Tuesday, July 30, 2013

For the love of Cupcakes

Okay so I going to try my hand at this blogger thing so that I can look back at it and see how far i have come.  One of my loves in life are cupcakes, to me they are the best thing in the world, and now I want to take you on a journey into my world of cupcakes. I would like to make money off of this but before I can do that I need to find what works for me, what kind of cupcakes do i want to make? How do you make the  perfect cupcake? What kind of frosting works best with what cakes mix? I might be asking a lot and you might think I'm over thinking things a bit but let me tell you nothing makes me more mad then half hearted work if you love something do your very best at it and you will get the very best from it the more work you put in to it the better it will be. You may think I'm crazy but when I get rich off my cupcakes then you'll see ;)